Raspberry Pi Zero W Quick Setup

Install the OS

Grab the lasted Raspbian Lite OS from https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ and burn it to an SD card. Once burnt, unmount and remount the SD card with the PC, this allows you to access the removal drive, now named ‘Boot’.

Enable ssh

SSH is disabled by default. Place a blank text file with the name ssh onto the root of the SD card:

  1. Load a Notepad/++
  2. Save, usual a filetype of any
  3. Name the file ssh and save
  4. Close the file

Add WiFi before boot

To add network info you need to create a file called wpa_supplicant.conf and place that in the root SD card .

  1. Load a Notepad/++
  2. Copy/Past the below code into a new blank file, updating the relivant info.
  3. Save, with a filename of wpa_supplicant.conf ensuring the file type is not .txt
  ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
