The below script will remotely query MS Windows 7+ for what version of Internet Explore a PC has installed.
How to use:
Ensure you have PSEXEC installed and ready for use, more info here
Save the below to a ‘.bat’ file of whatever name you like. On running the batch file you will be asked for a hostname, enter the hostname and press the enter key.
Once the Enter key is selected the system will return what version of IE is installed on the remote PC.
@echo off REM ********************************************* REM A.Nicholls REM REM 25/05/2016 REM ********************************************* :start REM Get remote PCs hostname set /p id=Enter Hostname: psexec \\%id% -h cmd /c reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" /v "svcVersion" Goto Start :end