Whilst setting up a new APRIC I noticed that the time was not updating as expected, no update on boot.
I have not setup an RTC on this unit yet, but NTPD would need to be installed anyway to updated the RTC later.
It appears in the Jan 2018 release of Rasbian Lite Stretch does not have NTPD installed as default.
A quick way to check the time and date configuration is to use timedatect1
To install NTPD and set the time
- Start with a system update ;
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
- Ensure your raspi-config location settings are correct;
sudo raspi-config
Under 4 Localisation Options
, Select I2 Change Timezone & location
- Install NTPD
sudo apt-get -y install ntp
To set the time and date use te below string, updating as appropriate
sudo date -s "19 JAN 2018 13:16:00"